Endurance Riding

Jul 17 2013


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**AS OF AUGUST 20th, 2013: We have raised $3,047.51! The check is in the mail for The Olmalaika Home in Kenya.**

Tomorrow, I leave for Robie Park… I can’t believe after more than 2 years, Tevis 2013 is upon us! I am both excited and nervous and overwhelmed with all the packing I have to do today. I want to be there already, relaxing in ride camp before the big day… We ride at dawn on Saturday!!!

Before I leave for Tevis, I wanted to post a list of our donors thus far… to date, we’ve raised $2,259.14! Next week, while I’m recovering from the ride, I will be spending some time with my girlfriend, Bren. I will present her with a check, that she will then forward to the girls’ home in Kenya.

Thank you to:

Sharon Wimberg & Robert Weldin

Heidi Martindale

Judy Holinsworth

Vernon Olson

Jamie Parfrey

Steven Kandola

Randy Collins

Lynne Glazer

Shirley Delsart

Pauline Johnson

Julie Ivany

Jasey D. Kruger

Carol Bailey

Rhonda Guilford

Toni Saari

Patti Bergstrom

Billy, Meena, Sonia, & Amrit Ahluwalia

Lisa Erdmann

Kathryn MacPhail

Suzanne Lewis

Barbara White

Jason Vasquez

Myka McPeek

Sheila Kumar

Janice Stiles

Diana Hiiesalu

Irene Wong-Chi

Ann Byrns

Patricia Bodi

Vaughn & Bren Lee

Gary & JayaMae Gregory

Karrie Holm

Coni Stephenson

Avtar Ahluwalia

In addition, I wanted to also thank my sponsors, who are featured on the back of the very cool crew shirts Tracy from Paradise Screen Print made us:

Crew Shirt

And of course, my very awesome crew:


Lastly, a very special thank you to Juniper Rose, the reporter who covered my story and put it on the front page of the Chico Enterprise Record:

Chico ER

The full story can be read here: http://www.chicoer.com/news/ci_23661615/endurance-ride-test-woman-mdash-cause

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “THANK YOU!”

  1. Irish horseon 17 Jul 2013 at 11:49 pm

    Good luck out there! What an awesome adventure you’ve worked hard for. I’ll be sweep riding High Camp to Robinson, hope to not see you! Have a safe journey, can’t wait to hear the rest of the story.
    Irish horse recently posted..Tevis sweep pre-ride

  2. Brenon 18 Jul 2013 at 5:18 am

    I will be thinking of you every minute of your ride Saturday, Jaya, thank you for making me feel special, useful, and loved! Everyone’s generosity has been inspirational and it is exciting to think of the difference this will make in these girls’ lives. Yea Jaya and Asali!

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